Crazy Rich Asians Part 2, Chapter 11 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Rachel — Samsara Island

  • Back on the island, Rachel and the bachelorette girls are dining.
  • A group is convincing Isabel, one of the other girls, why she shouldn't be in love with her boyfriend.
  • Here's the long and short of it: 1) he's not the oldest in his family so he's not the heir apparent; 2) he doesn't make enough money at his job ($800,000 just won't cut it); and 3) his parents' fortune isn't that much to inherit if he does get anything.
  • Francesca breaks down further why Isabel can't "afford" to fall in love with Simon (2.11.6):
  • She nauseatingly tallies the expenses a woman must incur between homes, schooling of children, tutors, servants and nannies, wardrobe, beauty routine, and vacations. We haven't even talked of feeding and clothing the children yet!
  • Rachel is appalled.
  • Another group talks about Alistair and Kitty and how classless Kitty is.
  • Suddenly the attention is fixed on Rachel, with Francesca being particularly "icy" (2.11.18).
  • Rachel explains how she met Nick through a "set up by a colleague" (2.11.20).
  • The girls pry about the friend who set them up and Rachel regrettably calls Nick a "total catch" (2.11.28).
  • Exhausted, Rachel breaks from the group to go to a bar on the beach alone. Another woman approaches, grateful to see Rachel drinking a beer.
  • Meet Sophie, Astrid's cousin.
  • Rachel likes Sophie's plain style and they hit it off.
  • Tired, the women return to their villas and Sophie says to reach out if she needs anything.
  • Rachel considers going for a swim in the water before bed, but finds her satchel filled with a mutilated fish and her mirror stained with blood: "Catch this, you gold-digging […]!" (2.11.82).