Appearances Quotes in Crazy Rich Asians

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Remember, this is Asia, and first impressions can be deceiving […] Many of the wealthiest people here make an effort not to stand out, and most of the time, you would never know you were standing next to a billionaire." (1.18.12)

Peik Lin's sage words give us a necessary context to understand the family portraits painted in the novel. With a haunting irony, too, Rachel literally is dating a billionaire and she has no idea.

Quote #5

These Singaporeans dressed in their own distinct hodgepodge of styles and wore less jewelry since they were always so scared of being robbed. Hong Kong women tended to dress alike and sport huge rocks, while the Japanese ladies with their sun visors and fanny packs looked like they were on the way to the golf course. (2.7.14)

It isn't just the Singapore elite who have a token style: Hong Kong and Japanese women are apparently as easy to pick out as a tourist wearing a poncho in San Francisco.

Quote #6

"I don't want people thinking that I can't afford to buy my wife a proper dress." (2.10.31)

Eddie Cheng, the classiest of classy, criticizes his wife's taste, not because it doesn't look good on her. No, it's because it's somehow a poor reflection of him. Run, Fiona, run!