Coraline The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

For a moment she felt utterly dislocated. She did not know where she was; she was not entirely sure who she was. It is astonishing just how much of what we are can be tied to the beds we wake up in in the morning, and it is astonishing how fragile that can be. (6.2)

According to this narration, our identities is "tied to the beds we wake up in in the morning" – that is, our home. Would you be a different person if you'd grown up in a different house?

Quote #8

"Where's the other mother?" she asked the other father. [...]

"Out," he told her. "Fixing the doors. There are some vermin problems." He seemed pleased to have somebody to talk to. (6.11-12)

To some people, cats make a home a home. To other people, they make a home vermin-infested.

Quote #9

It seemed to Coraline that it was crouching, and staring down at her, as if it were not really a house but only the idea of a house – and the person who had had the idea, she was certain, was not a good person. (9.1)

As the other house begins to fall apart, it becomes personified, making it even more of a character in the story.