Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

For Mme de Warens knew mankind and was highly skilled in the art of dealing with men, without lying and without indiscretion, without deception, and without offence. (5.1.40)

Rousseau may have found a role model in Mme de Warens. She gets what she wants without being deceitful.

Quote #5

So my little thefts were not very risky. (6.2.38)

One thing Rousseau knows how to do is to manage risk. He never steals or lies when he thinks he might get caught.

Quote #6

With her head full of prerogatives of rank and nobility, she could never imagine that an ambassador could be wrong and his secretary right. (7.1.43)

For once, Rousseau is actually telling the truth. He's learning the lesson the hard way that rank always determines truth.