Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He accused me of teaching myself to forge money, for these medals of ours bore the arms of the Republic. (1.2.3)

Rousseau swears up and down that he didn't do it, but he's definitely interested in gaining an education that will be useful to him down the road.

Quote #5

I was only halfway through my apprenticeship and was a long way from skilled. (2.1.17)

Rousseau's decision to bail on his apprenticeship is a typical move for the restless lad.

Quote #6

I pointed out to her further that this employment was not for long, that I needed some accomplishment by which to live. (5.1.18)

Deep down, Rousseau's pretty practical about what he needs to do in order to survive. He's got an ideal balance between being a starving artist and a savvy businessman.