Inertia Quotes in A Confederacy of Dunces

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I have answered only two ads. On some days I am completely enervated by the time I reach Canal Street. On these days I am doing well if I have enough spirit to straggle into a movie palace." (7.25)

Ignatius always has energy to straggle into a movie palace. In fact, as the novel moves on and his mother puts a tighter and tighter rein on his finances, he has to work harder and harder to get to his favorite leisure-time activity.

Quote #8

"Susan and Sandra will hate to know that your bum's attitude toward the world almost ruined them, that because you won't even take the time to supervise your own company, we have somebody suing us for half a million. The girls will really resent that. The least that you've always given them has been material comfort." (11.242)

Mrs. Levy enlists Susan and Sandra on her behalf in excoriating Mr. Levy for his laziness. But of course, Mrs. Levy doesn't actually ever do anything except get shaken up by her exercise board, and Susan and Sandra seem to mostly be enjoying college life without making too great an effort. It's because they all aren't doing much else that they have so much time to devote to pointing out that Mr. Levy isn't doing much.

Quote #9

Mr. Levy straightened his newspaper and realized again that…he should have given his time to supervising Levy Pants. Things like this would not happen; life could be peaceful. But just the name, just the three syllables of 'Levy Pants,' caused acid complications in his chest. Perhaps he should have changed the name." (13.119)

It's nice that the main motivation for working harder is "life could be peaceful." Laziness brings chaos… which is certainly true for Ignatius as well.