Prejudice Quotes in Cloud Atlas

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She ain't your tribe! Ain't even your color! (6.1.208)

Okay, so, no one really seems to mind that Meronym is darker, except for this voice in Zachry's head. Where did it come from? Are we just hardwired to be prejudiced? Why does this keep going on?

Quote #8

"Now you just look you, you grebo, you can go shag your bloody sporran if you think—." (8.1.320)

A grebo is a slur referring to an African tribe that may or may not have been cannibalistic—the implication being that a black person is an uncivilized savage. That sentence is cut off because right after that, its speaker, Johns Hotchkiss, gets a tooth knocked clean out of his mouth. That punch might be a savage act, but this guy sure seems to have deserved it.

Quote #9

"Not choked by welfare, unions, 'affirmative action' for amputee transvestite colored homeless arachnophobes." (9.49.5)

Yeesh. There can be more prejudice packed into one sentence. This sentence is anti-disabled, transphobic, racist, and classist—and it even makes fun of people who are scared of spiders. What? Who likes spiders?