Old Age Quotes in Cloud Atlas

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[In the past] elderly purebloods waited to die in prisons for the senile: no fixed-term life spans, no euthanasium. (5.1.372)

To Sonmi, it comes as a shock to realize that people just had to grow old and stay alive, no matter how helpless they were, until they died. Euthanasia is considered dying with dignity. The concept of a fixed-term life span is a little horrifying, though. What would you do if you knew you only had so many years to live?

Quote #5

Livin' to fifty ain't wondersome, nay, livin' to fifty is eerie an' ain't nat'ral. (6.1.68)

In Zachry's time, living to fifty is probably certain death. His people live a primitive lifestyle, having to hunt for food and run from predators. Living to be that old would make someone a liability.

Quote #6

Bein' young ain't easy 'cos ev'rythin' you're puzzlin'n'anxin' you're puzzlin'n'anxin' it for the first time. (6.1.129)

With age comes wisdom. Perhaps people today are smarter than ever because of all the knowledge being passed down from those who lived before us. Maybe we should be listening to them?