The City of Ember Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But Doon wanted to keep these things to himself for now. Tomorrow, the guards would announce that an alert young boy had uncovered the mayor's crime, and his father, hearing the announcements along with the rest of Ember, would turn to the person next to him and say, "That's my son they're talking about! My son!" (13.81)

Doon's pretty smart, but his youth shows in moments like this, when he's so in love with the idea of being recognized for his accomplishments that he decides to not share information that could benefit the whole community. Letting your desire for acclaim decide your course of action isn't the most mature thing ever.

Quote #8

"The duties of a mayor," said the mayor, "are… complex. Cannot be understood by regular citizens, particularly children." (16.28)

Yes, Mayor Cole, tell yourself whatever will help you sleep at night. Not only are you stealing supplies from the people you're supposed to govern and protect, you're about to order a child thrown into prison. We don't think children are as mentally deficient as the mayor paints them. In fact, kids might be a little more capable than adults when it comes to seeing through the hogwash and noticing what's actually going on in a situation.

Quote #9

What if she were to shout into the silence right now? What if she were to say, Listen, people! We've found the way out of Ember! It's the river—we go on the river! […] Would the guards rush to the roof and seize her? Would the people in the square think her news was just a child's wishful thinking, or would they listen and be saved? (16.48)

That's part of the trouble with being a kid and actively wanting to help your community. What if they dismiss your ideas and thoughts just because you're young? How do you prove yourself to the adults around you? This passage also shows Lina's youthful inexperience, because if she had thought through the situation a bit better, she might've made a different decision than simply fleeing with Doon—a decision that might've benefited the community more. Who knows?