The City of Ember Memory and The Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Oh, our city… Our city is at the bottom of a hole!" She gazed down through the gulf, and all of what she had believed about the world began to slowly break apart. "We were underground," she said. "Not just the Pipeworks. Everything!" (20.58)

Yes, Shmoopers, this is one giant light bulb moment: realizing that everything you'd ever been told about your world and your past was a lie. Kinda like Neo's many "Whoa" moments in The Matrix. What do you do when you learn this kind of stuff? How do you put the pieces back together so you can live your life? This happens right at the end of the book, so we're not sure entirely what Lina and Doon decide about how to interpret their world and its history. But still: whoa.