The City of Ember Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

We are all strangers to one another. They planned it that way; they said there would be fewer memories between us. They want us to forget everything about the lives we've led and the places we've lived. The babies must grow up with no knowledge of a world outside, so that they feel no sorrow for what they have lost. (20.7)

Our mysterious journal writer is being asked to form an entirely new family when she enters Ember. She'll be matched with a man she doesn't know, and they'll receive two babies to care for and raise. If you think about it, this isn't that strange a situation; people have entered into arranged marriages and hasty marriages for a looong time on this earth. And it's oddly appropriate that the first families to settle in Ember are artificially constructed, much like the city itself. We hope they still manage to form bonds and grow to love and support one another. Otherwise they're in for some very expensive hours on a therapy couch.