Violence Quotes in City of Ashes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Simon] took a step toward [Maia] and her hand whipped out, nails shooting out like talons, suddenly impossibly long. (2.12.47)

Maia accuses Simon of being less than human, but she's even more inclined than Simon is to lash out with violence at something she doesn't understand.

Quote #8

Fighting to [Jace] was like sex to other people. (2.12.85)

Um, this is a red flag, girls. If anyone describes a guy like this, you probably do not want to be in a relationship with him.

Quote #9

With a sharp flick of his wrist, he brought the Sword level and slashed it with a single smooth gesture across Simon's throat. (3.16.184)

Poor Simon, he gets subjected to more violence than almost anyone else in this book. As if the emotional pain wasn't bad enough…