Lust Quotes in City of Ashes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I meant you don't have to sleep on the couch if you don't want." "Then where…" His voice trailed off, eyes wide behind his glasses. "Oh." (1.4.179-1.4.180)

Clary feeds into Simon's sexual feelings for her, even though she doesn't feel the same way. Why does she do this?

Quote #5

Kissing Simon was pleasant. (1.5.20)

We had to include this quote here because of how not lustful it is. Pleasant. Pleasant?! What else is pleasant: toast, Febreze, a really nice sneeze. None of these things get your blood boiling. To Clary, Simon is toast, and Jace is a raging fire.

Quote #6

Water ran from his wet jeans and jacket, and made the white shirt he was wearing transparent. She could see the dark lines of his permanent Marks through it and the faint scar on his shoulder. (2.8.227)

Clary is probably wishing Jace's jeans were transparent here too.