Identity Quotes in City of Ashes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Do you even know how to use that knife, Clarissa?" (2.12.63)

Jace is a patronizing jerk, only calling Clary by her full name when he's irritated with her, like he's her dad or something.

Quote #8

Clary let her gaze rest on Simon, gauging the ways in which he looked both familiar and very alien. (2.12.131)

Simon physically changes after becoming a vampire, but in very subtle ways that Clary can't quite put a finger on.

Quote #9

It was impossible. [Jace] was a warrior. He could be nothing else. (2.13.87)

At the beginning of the book, Jace thinks that he can live as a mundane. By the end of the book, after killing a few dozen more demons, he realizes that this will never be possible.