Citizen Kane Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Citizen Cane.

Quote #4

BERNSTEIN: He never knew there was anything in the world but money. That kind of fellow you can fool every day in the week—and twice on Sundays!

Bernstein is convinced that deep down, people who only care about money are actually pretty stupid. After all, focusing on money all the time makes them blind to anything else, and people who are blind are really easy to trick.

Quote #5

SUSAN: What's the difference between giving me a bracelet or giving somebody else a hundred thousand dollars for a statue you're going to keep crated up and never look at? It's only money. It doesn't mean anything.

Susan is sick of Kane acting as though people's love can be bought and sold if he just has enough money. But in her mind, money hardly means anything once you have enough to live on. In her mind, "It doesn't mean anything," no matter what Kane might think.

Quote #6

SUSAN: That's what it's been from the first moment I met you. No matter how much it cost you—your time, your money—that's what you've done with everybody you've ever known. Tried to bribe them!

Susan thinks that the only thing Kane has ever done is try to bribe people to love him. That's because he doesn't understand the idea of a true give-and-take with other people. He needs everything on his own terms, and money is his way of trying to get everything this way.