Central Heating Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #4

Essentially everything visible is artificial (14)

We can't seem to shake this dogged, despairing view. It's not fun to think of everything visible—a big part of our life, consciousness and existence—as artificial. But then again, our speaker isn't trying to write a fun poem. He's writing a poem that makes his readers question the nature of existence, just as he is. Is the world real, or is it only real inside our minds, actualized by our thoughts and the electrical impulses between our eyes and our brains? We don't know, and this poem sure isn't going to answer our questions, but if it at least complicates those questions, then it's enhanced our consciousness in some way.

Quote #5

The sun and your heart are compacted of the same substance (25)

This line stretches the boundaries of what it's possible for our physical existence to consist of. It's strange, but beautiful, to think about a human heart being made out of the same, brilliant, boiling hot substance as the sun. The sun, and the earth's perfect distance from it, are a big reason why life is possible on this planet, or so scientists say. So, the speaker is paying his lover quite a compliment when he credits her heart as being similar to the reason why we're all alive.