Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration True or False

1. Cellular respiration refers to -> the using of oxygen as a reactant to break down food into bioavailable energy
2. In the electron transport chain, oxygen -> is the last electron acceptor
3. Scientists believe that mitochondria and chloroplasts arose through endosymbiosis. What evidence is true and supports this claim? -> Chloroplasts are where photosynthesis occurs.
4. The energy used in making ATP from ADP in chemiosmosis is from -> the stream of protons crossing the inner mitochondrial membrane
5. During the transition step before the citric acid cycle, what conversion happens? -> Oxygen to water
6. Which of the following is NOT a product of energy metabolism? -> Glucose
7. The citric acid cycle is called a "cycle" because -> the acetyl-CoA from the beginning is regenerated at the end
8. When FADH2 enters the electron transport chain, what happens? -> Ethanol is made as a byproduct.
9. During the redox reactions of the electron transport chain, where do protons move? -> Across the outer mitochondrial membrane
10. Which of the following likely evolved first? -> Glycolysis
