The Cat in the Hat Comes Back Expectations Quotes

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Quote #4

"Your cats are no good.
Put them back in your hat." (211-212)

The narrator is majorly tired of the cats' shenanigans. But the story's not over yet, and the cats have a real shot at redeeming themselves. We'll give you one guess as to how this one ends.

Quote #5

"Z is too small to see.
So don't try. You can not.
But Z is the cat
Who will clean up that spot!" (257-260)

Z is so tiny and microscopic he can't even be seen, but he's the one who's going to change everything. After all, every last little cat (or person) counts in the grand scheme of things. Wasn't it Seuss who said, "a person's a person no matter how small"? Why, yes—yes it was.