Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Page.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used the New Directions edition of the play, published in 1971.

Quote #10

Maybe it's being alive that makes them lie, and being almost not alive makes me sort of accidentally truthful—I don't know but—anyway—we've been friends…(II.128.1440-1443)

Here again we see the association between lying and life, as well as between truth and death. It would seem that truth can only be found through death.

Quote #11

And so tonight we're going to make the lie true, and when that's done, I'll bring the liquor back here and we'll get drunk together, here, tonight, in this place that death has come into…. (III.165.770-773)

Maggie wants to find a way to do the impossible: to create truth in a world constructed of lies. If she succeeds, she'll be the only character able to do this.