Women and Femininity Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I thought God had visited me with cancer; that He was turning my female parts into something as black and rotten as my sinning soul. (2.773)

Most women see pregnancy as a miracle. Since Margaret White hates being a woman so much, she sees pregnancy as some sort of evil punishment for giving in to her desire for sex. Eek.

Quote #8

The TK gene may be recessive in the female, but dominates only in the female. (1.759)

Stephen King lets us know that only women can be telekinetic. Why? To show that women can have some power too—even if most men get to be in positions of power, like at Ewen High? Or is he trying to make us scared of women with power? Is he suggesting that we need to be nice to women so that they don't develop their power? The questions are endless.

Quote #9

Some of the girls claimed [the idea of a prom King and Queen] was sexist, the boys thought it was just plain stupid and a little embarrassing. (1.816)

Everything in this story is rigidly divided along gender lines. All boys behave one way; all girls behave another. Even opinions on the prom are exclusive to each gender.