The Supernatural Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I thought I set that ashtray back on the desk further. Funny how things fall over." (1.114)

It's also funny how no one seems to notice these things—lightbulbs popping, ashtrays flipping—all happen when Carrie is stressed. And by "funny," we mean "totally tragic," because if someone had been paying some attention to Carrie, a lot of lives may have been saved.

Quote #5

[Carrie] had been thinking: (fall off that bike kid push you off that bike and split your rotten head) and something had happened. (1.155-1.157)

This is the moment when Carrie realizes that she can control her powers… even though she's not quite sure yet what her powers even are. But the realization that she can do supernatural things is empowering, in and of itself. So Carrie starts to gain a little confidence.

Quote #6

[Carrie's] head began to feel tired and fuzzy, and it throbbed with the beginning of a headache. Her eyes were hot, as if she had just sat down and read the Book of Revelation straight through. (1.167)

Doing telekinesis really drains a girl. But the reference to the Book of Revelation is pretty telling here. This allusion illustrates that Carrie kind of feels like she's doing God's work by exacting her supernatural revenge on the poor people of Chamberlain, Maine. You get those sinners, Carrie. Yikes.