Sexuality Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There had been no fireworks yet, no bands playing "Stars and Stripes Forever," but it had gotten a little better. The first time had hurt like hell. (1.272-1.273)

Even though Sue and Carrie are the same age, Carrie is still nervous about taking her clothes off by herself. Sue, on the other hand, is already having sex. Perhaps this difference in sexual maturity explains some of the reasons behind Sue's need to take care of Carrie.

Quote #5

So [Tommy] loved [Sue] and this time it was different, this time there finally seemed to be room and there was no tiresome rubbing but a delicious friction that went up and up. (1.312)

Sue continues exploring a sexual relationship with Tommy, even though the first few times hurt. Why is this time different than the other times Sue and Tommy had sex? Is it because she's used to it? Or is it because she let him help her through some personal problems, and that made her feel closer to him?

Quote #6

"[Carrie] may have committed the Sin of Lustful Thoughts." (1.350)

Momma has trouble separating mere sexuality from Lust, with a capital L. All Carrie has done is come of age. She isn't even crushing on anyone yet… that we know of. But the mere fact that Carrie has breasts and gets her period freaks Momma out because she's so in denial of her own sexual nature.