Candide Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) We used the translation found on Project Gutenberg.

Quote #4

"Astonished and delighted to hear my native language, and no less surprised at what this man said, I made answer that there were much greater misfortunes than that of which he complained. I told him in a few words of the horrors which I had endured, and fainted a second time. He carried me to a neighboring house, put me to bed, gave me food, waited upon me, consoled me, flattered me; he told me that he had never seen any one so beautiful as I, and that he never so much regretted the loss of what it was impossible to recover." (12.1)

The eunuch treats the Old Woman well only because he is not able to act violently against her sexually. Voltaire seems to make a point here, since the only well-behaved man the woman encounters is a eunuch.

Quote #5

"Reverend Father, all the quarterings in the world signify nothing; I rescued your sister from the arms of a Jew and of an Inquisitor; she has great obligations to me, she wishes to marry me; Master Pangloss always told me that all men are equal, and certainly I will marry her." (15.7)

Candide feels he has particular rights to be with Cunégonde because he saved her from sexual servitude. These feelings of ownership, ironically, are precisely those that he saved her from.

Quote #6

"You see," said she, "you are a foreigner. I sometimes make my Parisian lovers languish for fifteen days, but I give myself to you the first night because one must do the honors of one's country to a young man from Westphalia." The lady having perceived two enormous diamonds upon the hands of the young foreigner praised them with such good faith that from Candide's fingers they passed to her own. (22.65)

The Marchioness uses her sexual power to extract riches from Candide.