Candide Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) We used the translation found on Project Gutenberg.

Quote #13

Among those who did him the honors of the town was a little Abbé of Perigord, one of those busybodies who are ever alert, officious, forward, fawning, and complaisant; who watch for strangers in their passage through the capital, tell them the scandalous history of the town, and offer them pleasure at all prices. He first took Candide and Martin to La Comédie, where they played a new tragedy. (22.9)

A fawning abbot attaches himself to Candide and Martin rather than focusing on his religious obligations. He, like everyone, only values wealth.

Quote #14

The Abbé sympathized in his trouble; he had had but a light part of the fifty thousand francs lost at play and of the value of the two brilliants, half given, half extorted. His design was to profit as much as he could by the advantages that the acquaintance of Candide could procure for him. He spoke much of Cunégonde and Candide told him that he should ask forgiveness of that beautiful one for his infidelity when he should see her in Venice. (22.70)

The abbot connives to profit from Candide, suggesting the laxity of his religious standards.

Quote #15

In the midst of these transports in came an officer, followed by the Abbé and a file of soldiers.

"There," said he, "are the two suspected foreigners," and at the same time he ordered them to be seized and carried to prison. (22.84-85)

The abbot reveals that he is more concerned with personal profit than moral conduct when he tricks Candide and Martin into bribing him.