Candide Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) We used the translation found on Project Gutenberg.

Quote #10

Candide, distracted between joy and grief, delighted at seeing his faithful agent again, astonished at finding him a slave, filled with the fresh hope of recovering his mistress, his heart palpitating, his understanding confused, sat down to table with Martin, who saw all these scenes quite unconcerned, and with six strangers who had come to spend the Carnival at Venice. (26.8)

Cacambo proves his faithfulness and honesty.

Quote #11

"Well, handsome or ugly," replied Candide, "I am a man of honor, and it is my duty to love her still. But how came she to be reduced to so abject a state with the five or six millions that you took to her?" (27.9)

Candide says he will marry Cunégonde as a matter of principle, even though his love for her has faded.

Quote #12

At the bottom of his heart Candide had no wish to marry Cunégonde. But the extreme impertinence of the Baron determined him to conclude the match, and Cunégonde pressed him so strongly that he could not go from his word. (30.1)

Candide is determined to marry Cunégonde because he believes he’s made a promise to her. Just as he allows philosophy to get in the way of practicality, he allows principle to obstruct his actual happiness.