The Call of the Wild Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The general tone of the team picked up immediately. It recovered its old-time solidarity, and once more the dogs leaped as one dog in the traces. At the Rink Rapids two native huskies, Teek and Koona, were added; and the celerity with which Buck broke them in took away François's breath. (4.17)

Through his leadership, Buck is able to pull the dogs together as a team.

Quote #5

John Thornton and Buck looked at each other. "You poor devil," said John Thornton, and Buck licked his hand. (5.65, 5.66)

Buck communicates with Thornton; they have a closeness that Thornton does not share with the other dogs.

Quote #6

Skeet was a little Irish setter who early made friends with Buck, who, in a dying condition, was unable to resent her first advances. She had the doctor trait which some dogs possess; and as a mother cat washes her kittens, so she washed and cleansed Buck's wounds. Regularly, each morning after he had finished his breakfast, she performed her self-appointed task, till he came to look for her ministrations as much as he did for Thornton's. (6.2)

Despite the hardships he has suffered and the changes he has undergone, Buck is still capable of becoming close with other dogs.