Contrasting Regions Quotes in Burn

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The people of the Dome aren't rebellious by nature. That's how they got here, Partridge. You said it yourself," Beckley says. "They're sheep […] They want to restore the status quo." (9.23)

Ah, the status quo. See, that's what the wretches want to — but the status quo is different for the two opposing regions. For the wretches, the status quo would be going back to the Before.

Quote #8

If Partridge is in charge, will the boundaries between the two worlds—the boundaries of the Dome itself—be dismantled? (11.5)

Partridge might be the leader of the Dome, but breaking down boundaries is a tough task to tackle. Even if he can unite them physically, things like revenge and guilt and suffering would inhibit the two sides from becoming a single unit.

Quote #9

Now that she's been out in the wilds, could she ever survive here—even with Partridge at her side? (12.28)

Outside of the Dome is a sort of paradise for Lyda where she can be herself. Inside the Dome, she's just another pawn.