Bud, Not Buddy Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The man scratched under the back of his hat and said, "Grand Rapids!" he said that like it was the most unbelievable thing in the world, like you'd need to put six exclamation points after it. Something about the way he said it made me nervous but I answered him. "Yes, sir." That's the bad thing about lying, once you say one you've usually got to stick with it. (10.72-73)

Yessir, Bud is an expert when it comes to lying, and this bit is a great example of proper technique. Actually, it is even good wisdom for those of us that don't, um, lie all the time.

Quote #8

Rules and Things Number 29: When you wake up and don't know for sure where you're at and there's a bunch of people standing around you, it's best to pretend you're still asleep until you can figure out what's going on and what you should do. (11.73)

This is a brilliant, and funny, piece of wisdom from someone who's probably woken up in strange places many times since he was six. However, Bud learns a little too much while he's pretending to be asleep, so he suffers from extreme embarrassment when Mrs. Sleet looks at his legs. Hmm, so maybe not such good advice?

Quote #9

That was the exact same thought I'd had when I got whipped by Toddy boy! Only two folks with the same blood would think them just alike! (12.154)

Bud thinks that because he and Calloway thought the same things in the same situations, it proves that Calloway is his father. He's half-right here, since Calloway is his grandfather. What's most likely is that Calloway left some wisdom with Angela, who passed it on again to Bud.