Bud, Not Buddy Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Even though my head was still under my blanket, I could felt two eyes staring at me real hard and I knew these weren't critter eyes, these eyes made the hair on the back of my neck raise up the way only human bean eyes can do. Without wiggling or jiggling around too much under my blanket I got my fingers wrapped around my jackknife. (8.1)

Just like before, Bud is totally afraid that there's a person creeping around him. But instead of hiding, Bud gets ready to protect himself. Pretty courageous for a ten year old, but pretty intimidating, too. We wouldn't want to run into Bud while he's sleeping.

Quote #5

Dangee! If I didn't kiss her she'd think I was scared of girls, if I did kiss her she might blab or Bugs might see me and tell strangers about what happened. (8.165)

Bud's first kiss comes with its share of fear. Fear of others seeing or hearing about it, fear of doing it and fear of not doing it. Sheesh! Good thing Bud is brave or he might have chickened out on this one.

Quote #6

Every once in a while a couple of cats would give out the kind of howls and yowls that would make the hairs on the back of your neck jump up if you were a human bean and your heart turn into a little cup of shaky yellow custard if you were a mouse. (10.6)

So is Bud a man or a mouse? Maybe when the cats suddenly howl he is both. We love the way Curtis describes the feeling of being scared here. Our hearts begin to flutter just thinking about walking alone in the dark through the woods. Once again, the vivid description of a scene makes it almost as scary for us reading it as it is for the characters experiencing it.