Bud, Not Buddy Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She said, real soft, "Bud, wake up. Come on, sweetie. I've got a nice breakfast waiting for you." (11.92)

Bud wakes up in heaven. Well, heaven for little lost starving boys with no comfort or warmth. Lefty's daughter, Mrs. Sleet, makes a huge breakfast and gives Bud new clothes. He is welcomed in and is treated with love by these perfect strangers. This scene really shows us the power of kindness on someone else's life.

Quote #8

"Bud," he said, "you look like you might be a little hungry so I'll tell you what we're going to do. […] You're invited to come along under one condition."

"What, sir?"

"Once you've got something in your belly, you've got to be straight with me…" (13.34-36)

Even though Calloway is ready to give poor Bud the boot, Jimmy shows Bud a little compassion by feeding him and giving him a little time before answering questions. It is this gesture that allows the band enough time to get to know Bud, a little of his story, and welcome him into their home.

Quote #9

Steady Eddie said, "You're gonna have to lay off the kid's chops, the little man's got problems enough and he sure don't need you meddling with him…. (13.83)

Eddie becomes Bud's first real friend in this story, not counting Bugs earlier on. We like Eddie. Not only does he stick up for Bud at times when Bud can't really do it himself, he also shows Bud a great deal of kindness. Eddie is a big reason Bud finds a home here.