Family Quotes in Brooklyn: A Novel

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She began to take note of all the details, thinking, for the first time in days, how she could include an account of them in a letter to her mother and Rose. (2.141)

At first, Eilis can only look at America through the eyes of her family. If she sees something cool, she doesn't think about how she feels about it—she thinks about how her mom and sister will feel about it when she describes it in her letters. This is just a small way for her to keep them close to her heart while being so far away.

Quote #5

As she realized that it could not be him, that she was dreaming, he took off his cap and she saw that the man did not look like her father at all. (2.220)

Here, Eilis has just mistaken an old Irishman at Father Flood's parish for her deceased father. This is an important moment, as it represents Eilis realizing how important it is to be a part of Brooklyn's Irish community—it connects her to her home and, most importantly, the traditions and memories of her family.

Quote #6

As he spoke, they all looked at him. Eilis noticed [...] that Frank was the most beautiful boy she had seen in her life. (3.544)

In our opinion, Eilis falls for Tony in large part due to her love for his family (especially Frank). While these cheery Italian-Americans are nothing like her serious-minded Irish kin, their warmth and openness make her feel right at home.