Brokeback Mountain Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

They seized each other by the shoulders, hugged mightily, squeezing the breath out of each other, saying, son of a b****, son of a b****, then, and easily as the right key turns the lock tumblers, their mouths came together. (50)

Clearly, their bodies know something that their minds don't, as the intensity of their physical chemistry just overwhelms them. But it's also clear here that these two are a match made in heaven, what with that simile suggesting they fit together like a lock and a key.

Quote #5

"We got to talk about this. Swear to god I didn't know we was goin a get into this again—yeah, I did. Why I'm here. I f***in knew it. Redlined all the way, couldn't get here fast enough." (59)

At least this meeting lets them realize their feelings for each other haven't diminished. After all, if you redline all the way to a romantic rendezvous, we'd say your feelings are pretty clear. But still, check out Jack's attempt at denial here.

Quote #6

"I like doin it with women, yeah, but Jesus H., ain't nothin like this. I never had no thoughts a doin it with another guy except I sure wrang it out a hunderd times thinkin about you." (66)

If we're to believe Ennis here, he's not gay… except for when it comes to Jack. That may very well be an accurate way to describe himself. But it also may very well be a denial-instinct that society has inflicted upon him.