Brokeback Mountain Repression Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

She had seen what she had seen. Behind her in the room lightning lit the window like a white sheet waving and the baby cried. (50)

It's the silence here that gets the repression across. here Nobody's saying anything; they're just taking in the lover's embrace. Proulx then adds a crying baby—the most unsettling and off-putting sound we'll ever hear by design—to emphasize how not-okay the silence is.

Quote #5

"Ennis—" said Alma in her misery voice, but that didn't slow him down on the stairs and he called back, "Alma, you want smokes there's some in the pocket a my blue shirt in the bedroom." (57)

These two sure know how not to have a conversation. Ennis knows exactly what happened (that Alma saw), but he's going to pretend he doesn't and hope that it will go away.

Quote #6

"But if you can't fix it you got a stand it," he said. (78)

This is Ennis's life creed, and while it sounds poetic, it comes with a cost. He stands it, sure, but he also ends up cutting himself off from everyone he cares about.