Sex Quotes in Breaking Dawn

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Bella to Edward:] "I like this part of being human. I don't want to give it up yet. I don't want to wait through years of being blood-crazed newborn for some part of this to come back to me." (6.38)

Bella believes that a big part of her physical and emotional attraction toward Edward will disappear when she transforms into a newborn vampire.

Quote #8

[Bella:] "It wasn't desire at all it was need, acute to the point of pain." (6.86)

Bella's desire, her physical need for being with Edward, has become so strong that it causes her pain.

Quote #9

[Bella:] "I could see their ruby eyes glinting with desire, lusting for the kill." (7.1)

Bella connects lust, or sexual desire, with the desire to kill. What might these two urges have in common?