Choices Quotes in Breaking Dawn

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Jacob:] That would go away, you know, if you imprinted. You wouldn't have to hurt over her anymore. Seemed like maybe getting your choices taken away from you wasn't the very worst thing in the world. Maybe feeling like this was the very worst thing in the world. (17.15)

Jacob thinks that if he imprinted, he wouldn't have to suffer over loving Bella anymore. He knows that he can't stop loving her on his own will.

Quote #8

[Emmett to Bella:] "You really didn't attack him?"… [Jasper:] "It's not natural." (22.149-155)

Jasper's worldview is turned upside down by the fact that Bella's self-control is stronger than her "natural" newborn tendencies to kill.

Quote #9

[Bella:] The Romanians' pronouncement seemed to have made the others feel the need to declare themselves as well. (34.102)

Bella believes that many of the other Cullen friends declared their loyalty in the case of war because they felt peer pressure to meet the Romanians' promise. Is making choices out of peer pressure common in our daily lives?