Violence Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Who told you that you were allowed to talk in this house? […] Do you dare to disobey me?" (15.1024)

Some more verbal violence from Kotler here, this time as he screams at Shmuel for talking to Bruno. Things go from bad to worse when Kotler discovers that Shmuel also ate food from the fridge. First it's screams, then it's fists.

Quote #8

There was a lot of bruising on his face and Bruno grimaced, and for a moment he forgot about his apology. (15.1045)

Unfortunately, Bruno's well-intentioned gesture of giving Shmuel food leads to a smack down from Kotler. When Bruno sees his friend's bruised face, he's not quite sure what to make of it, whereas for Shmuel it's just another part of concentration camp life.

Quote #9

"But that's alright because I hate them too. I hate them." (17.1191)

In a rare glimpse into the psyche of a Jewish prisoner, we can understand Shmuel's violent attitude toward the SS soldiers. And can we blame him for hating them when they're responsible for taking away his mother, father, grandfather, and life? Nope. Not at all.