Race Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] [Bruno] looked across at Maria and realized for the first time that he had never fully considered her to be a person with a life and a history all her own. (6.319)

Talk about deep. Bruno has his very own eureka moment when he sees Maria not as the maid, but as a person with feelings, emotions, and a family. We think this is why he can so easily talk to her, Pavel, and Shmuel—because he sees them as people and not for their labels.

Quote #8

"Come over here, you—" (7. 390)

Lieutenant Kotler orders Pavel to help Bruno make a tire swing, and calls him an ugly name several times. Boyne chooses not to print the name, but it's probably safe to assume given the context (and Kotler's character) that it's a derogatory term for a Jewish person.

Quote #9

"About the great wrongs that have been done to you." (9.508)

Like Bruno, we're left pretty perplexed by Herr Liszt's insistence that "great wrongs" have been done to Bruno and Germany. We're never told about these wrongs, and Bruno never brings them up either. Talk about vague.