Family Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The two people Bruno missed most of all from home were Grandfather and Grandmother. (8.456)

We're not sure why Bruno's grandparents stay in Berlin, but we're guessing it has something to do with the fact that his grandmother is totally against what her son does for a living. Having them remain in Berlin adds even another layer of loneliness to Bruno's life, and further fragments his family.

Quote #8

"Mama is a teacher in my school and she taught me German […] she speaks French too. And Italian. And English." (10.588)

Shmuel shares this information about his mother with Bruno and it serves as a great contrast to Bruno's mother. Shmuel's mother is (was?) very involved in his life and preoccupied for his education, whereas Bruno's mother doesn't seem particularly concerned. Maybe it's all those medicinal Sherries?

Quote #9

"And yesterday [Shmuel] told me that his grandfather hasn't been seen for days […] and whenever he asks his father about him he starts crying and hugs him so hard that he's worried he's going to squeeze him to death." (14.934)

When Bruno shares this with Gretel, he lies and tells her that Shmuel is an imaginary friend. This shows his lack of confidence in his family members; even at the age of nine, Bruno knows to keep important things secret from them.