Memory and the Past Quotes in The Bourne Identity

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Marie went quickly to the closet and got her coat. "He said to me one night that he was a chameleon…"
"He remembered?" interrupted Crawford.
"Remembered what?"
"Nothing. He had a talent for moving in and out of difficult situations without being seen. That's all I meant." (35.62-65)

One of the few things Bourne remembers is that he's a chameleon, which is to say that he blends in with his surroundings. He remembers that he's no one. He's aided by Washburn, who figures it all out by looking at Bourne's surgery scars and other evidence. The no one he is doesn't seem, then, to depend on memory—he's nobody whether he remembers it or not.