The Bluest Eye Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

This disrupter of seasons was a new girl in school named Maureen Peal. A high-yellow dream child with long brown hair braided into two lynch ropes that hung down her back. She was rich, at least by our standards, as rich as the richest of white girls, swaddled in comfort and care. The quality of her clothes threatened to derange Frieda and me. (2.4.3)

Maureen's skin color seems tied to her class status in complex ways.

Quote #8

They hold their behind in for fear of a sway too free; when they wear lipstick, they never cover the entire mouth for fear of lips too thick, and they worry, worry, worry about the edges of their hair. (2.5.4)

This quote shows how black women are taught to behave like middle-class white women.

Quote #9

In equating physical beauty with virtue, she stripped her mind, bound it, and collected self-contempt by the heap. (3.7.21)

Beauty gets associated with self-contempt here.