Blood Red Road Chapter 9 Quotes

Blood Red Road Chapter 9 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

Hey, he says, what're you doin back there? I ain't got a clue where we're goin. Git on up here an lead the way. (9.1123)

See what's happening here? It's the reverse of where we started, with Lugh giving up his position to let Saba lead the way. That's huge for both parties, but it's an especially powerful tribute to Saba's internal growth.

Quote 5

I had a dream, I says. The night before the fire.

You dreamed where to find me? (9.1013-1014)

With all this talk about stars, we almost forget to mention that Saba herself seems to be able to predict the future in her dreams. Trippy, right? Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Quote 6

It's a land of plenty. Lush an beautiful. Like Pa told us it used to be back in Wrecker times. Paradise, he called it. (9.128)

The irony, of course, is that "paradise" has been subverted to supply the world with chaal. Think about how many people could live in this lush valley, or how much food could be grown there. It's such a waste.