Blood Meridian Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

"Lying in the cubicle with his trousers about his knees he watched her" (23.195).

The kid doesn't even get a room for his sex with a prostitute. It's just a little cubicle, which goes to show how gross and non-private sex in the Old West could be. Then again, what wasn't horrible about the Old West, at least according to this book?

Quote #8

"He watched her take up her clothes and don them and he watched her hold the candle to the mirror and study her face there" (23.195).

Who knows what this prostitute is thinking when she gets up and looks at herself in a mirror after sex. Maybe she's thinking, "We sure don't get many female characters in this book." We'll never know because McCarthy never tells us.

Quote #9

"Let's go, she said. I got to go" (23.196).

Now that the sex with the kid has finished, the prostitute doesn't have any time for chit chat. She needs to get back downstairs to find her next john (customer). The kid might want a moment to connect with her, but the world of this book is no place for the sentimental type.