Blood Meridian Alcohol and Drugs Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

"The first thing they asked for was whiskey and the next was tobacco" (9.36).

Whenever Glanton's crew meets people on the road, the first thing people are always looking for is whiskey. How else are they going to forget about their horrible lives for a few hours?

Quote #5

"Finally a man appeared and opened the gate. He was slightly drunk and he held the gate while the horsemen rode through one by one into the little flooded courtyard" (14.8).

It's pretty common to run into drunk people in the wild west. Even when random people open doors, they're usually drunk because that's just how people roll in the old west. Sure, it'll kill them eventually. But there aren't a whole lot of people who plan on making it to 50.

Quote #6

"By midnight there were fires in the street and dancing and drunkenness and the house rang" (14.88).

Whenever Glanton and his men get a chance to part, they tend to go all the way with it. They get totally drunk and end up trashing entire towns. And Ke$ha thought she went hard. These guys make your crazy night out seem as tame as a study date in the library.