Bless Me, Ultima The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

For Ultima, even the plants have a spirit. (4.17)

For Ultima, the natural world and the supernatural world are no different. Natural items like plants and water bear supernatural properties. If one is willing to listen and learn, those properties will reveal themselves.

Quote #5

I looked at Ultima. Her magic. The magic of Jasón's Indian. They could not save me now. (6.95-96)

Not even the awesome supernatural powers of Ultima can save Antonio from the misery of the first day of school.

Quote #6

"The golden carp," I said to myself, "a new god?" (9.399)

Antonio's new knowledge of another supernatural being—one not linked to the God of his Church—causes Antonio to start to question everything he believes. His concept of reality has been shaken to the core.