Bless Me, Ultima Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

"A long time ago, when the earth was young […] a strange people came to this land." (9.349-351)

Remember, a lot of this story is about Antonio coming to discover the Native American culture of his land and his people. This story, which leads into the story about the golden carp, helps him take a big old step towards discovery.

Quote #8

The meeting of the people from Texas with my forefathers was full of blood, murder, and tragedy. (12.127-129)

Again, Anaya delves into the history of the Southwest. It's not all John Wayne movies and cowboy heroes. The Southwest rose out of great conflict and bloodshed, and while that's not Anaya's focus in the book, he doesn't shy away from mentioning it now and then. After all, it's hugely important in shaping these characters' lives.

Quote #9

They understood that I had to be away from the places that held the memories of my friend. (22.69-70)

Memory is a powerful thing, and it can be triggered by smells or sights or sounds. Those around Antonio know that, and they know for him to heal, he needs to step away from the things that will constantly remind him of Florence's death.