Bless Me, Ultima Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"You are not afraid, are you Antonio?" (10.345-346)

Whew! Tough question to answer, right? Especially when you're about to enter a situation that's really kind of scary. Ultima asks this of Antonio before the first time they confront Tenorio. The thing is, Antonio answers "no," and there's a good chance he's telling the truth. Antonio gains strength from the presence of Ultima.

Quote #5

It was more than the three men could stand. They were frightened. They lowered their eyes to avert Tenorio's gaze and scurried for the door. (10.407-409)

Just the mention of brujas and witchery is enough to terrify people in this novel. Talk of a curse leads up to this moment. Remember, curses are treated as being deadly serious in Bless Me, Ultima.

Quote #6

"When you were in Tenorio's bar, you were not afraid of him. And here, you were not afraid to enter where death lurks." (10.466-468)

Sometimes, the toughest person out there is the little old lady. That's something to keep in mind. Nothing frightens Ultima. She's too wise, too strong, and too at peace with herself to let anything shake her.