Bleak House Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

My darling [Ada] rose, put off her bonnet, kneeled down beside him with her golden hair falling like sunlight on his head, clasped her two arms round his neck, and turned her face to me. Oh, what a loving and devoted face I saw!

"Esther, dear," she said very quietly, "I am not going home again. [...] Never any more. I am going to stay with my dear husband. We have been married above two months. Go home without me, my own Esther; I shall never go home any more!" With those words my darling drew his head down on her breast and held it there. And if ever in my life I saw a love that nothing but death could change, I saw it then before me. [...] "My pet," said I. "My love. My poor, poor girl!" I pitied her so much. I was very fond of Richard, but the impulse that I had upon me was to pity her so much. (51.65-70)

There are some very complex dynamics going on here. Ada is happy to be married to Richard but feels guilty about lying to Jarndyce and sad about leaving Esther. Esther is happy for the couple, but she can't stop loving Ada like a child/sister enough to let her go. Growing up is hard to do and often disappointing.