Black Mass: Whitey Bulger, the FBI, and a Devil's Deal Characters

Meet the Cast

James "Whitey" Bulger

Whitey Bulger—who, we want to remind you, is a real person—is a once-in-a-generation gangster. The kind of G they write hip-hop street ballads about. The kind of G whose life is so insane it in...

John Connolly

No one can exploit FBI protocol with quite the same panache as agent John Connolly. The man single-handedly responsible with bringing Whitey Bulger into the fold in 1975, Connolly loves the cred he...

John Morris

FBI agent John Morris seems like a nice enough guy at first, but things quickly go south for this mild-mannered pencil pusher. And it's not even like he's an innocent bystander. Though he doesn't r...

Steve "The Rifleman" Flemmi

In comparison to the brutal Whitey Bulger, Steve Flemmi seems almost sympathetic at times.And then you remember that his nickname is "The Rifleman" on account of his most excellent killing skills,...

Billy Bulger

He might be a politician, but Billy Bulger sure isn't living life on the straight and narrow. Bulger the YoungerAs a state senator—and a president of the senate, no less—Billy Bulger is known a...

Fred Wyshak

Perhaps the only federal prosecutor who acts like a federal prosecutor, Fred Wyshak is the man who finally takes down Whitey Bulger. Despite being born in Boston, his status as an outsider allows h...

Jeremiah T. O'Sullivan

Jeremiah T. O'Sullivan, once the lead prosecutor of the Organized Crime Squad, might not be involved in the nitty-gritty of the FBI's deal with Bulger, but the scam would never have survived as lon...