How It All Goes Down
Prince Street Hitman
- FBI agents are in the midst of their clandestine operation to bug Angiulo HQ.
- They make it inside Jerry Angiulo's office, install the bug, and skedaddle.
- The agents hang on every word that comes through the bugs. Angiulo thinks that he has the upper hand, while at the same time basically confessing to his crimes on tape. Smart guy.
- Angiulo often complains that he hasn't seen Bulger and Flemmi in a while, but assumes that it's because they owe him money.
- We can think of a different reason.
- No matter what's said about Bulger and Flemmi, however, Connolly and Morris manipulate their reports on the bug to make the two brutal gangsters seems as cuddly as Teletubbies.
- They also conveniently forget to mention that the debt Angiulo keeps complaining about stems from their mutual "loan sharking" business (2.8.45).
- Whoops.
- The investigation—known as Operation Bostar—ultimately eviscerates the Angiulo crime family.
- But Morris is in a tailspin.
- He gets so drunk with Connolly, Flemmi, and Bulger at a hotel that he leaves behind a "top-secret government tape recording" from the case, which is only recovered by Flemmi–a criminal, mind you (2.8.55).
- How's that for an anti-drinking PSA?