The Birth of a Nation Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation.

Quote #7

[Flora attaches raw cotton to her ragged dress ahead of Ben's arrival.]

Although the Camerons have lost most of their money during the war, Flora cares so much about her big bro that she wants to make his return as special as possible.

Quote #8

[Ben makes his family promise not to tell anyone about his association with the KKK.]

Well that's one way of having your family's back. We don't know if we'd keep quiet if our brother joined a violent hate group, but to each their own.

Quote #9

[Ben tearfully holds Flora's dead body.]

All snark aside, this is a sad moment. Ben has always been fiercely protective of his little sister, and her death shakes him to his core.